FACTdla znanego cepa z 'pis' o nazwie BOGUCKI każdy kto podniesie rękę to 'hitler'

2 pix story …
Pictures taken at (second
version) of ‘Studio 54’ owned by Mark Fleischman --- (reopening party). We can see at the
console crowd of people whose disturb deejays, etc. Robbie Leslie (who mixed ‘54’
version) a few gigs) told --- “visible next to turntables DJ is Leroy
Washington. Striped shirt is light DJ (LJ) Bobby DeSilva and other Andy Warhol,
Steve Rubell, Calvin Klein, Brooke Shields :-)”
Studio 54 (first
version) (opened 26 april 1977 AT 9.00pm and closed in 1980 when its
two original
On February 4, 1980,
Rubell and Schrager went to prison and ‘Studio 54’ was sold in November 1980 to
Mark Fleischman who reopened it again 1981. 1984 Fleischman sold (second
version) of ‘Studio 54’ to
On April 17, 1981,
Rubell and Schrager were released from prison.
I do joke new owner and crew of 1981 should change
name for ‘Studio 55’ and build own fame - and do not to parasitize on the fame
and legend built by other :-)
DISCO HISTORY FACTI do joke new owner and crew of 1981 should change
name for ‘Studio 55’ and build own fame - and do not to parasitize on the fame
and legend built by other :-)
Denise Chatman takes you ‘INSIDE STUDIO 54’ and more.
In first episode Denise Chatman dedicates this and every future episode to
Steve Rubell, Ian Schrager and Mark Fleischman, former owners of ‘Studio 54’.
Denise takes you on a musical journey, drawing from the music played at ‘Studio
54’ and during the time periods written about in the book she co-authored, with
Mark and Mimi Fleischman, ‘INSIDE STUDIO 54’. Denise interviews DJ Tony Gioe
who played at Club Hollywood and The Copacabana in Manhattan.
* Denise Chatman – was legendary Salsoul Records promotion director in ’70 disco era. Her story and interview in the book:
Premier Finlandii – Sanna Marin …
Krytykują ją za normalne życie pięknej, młodej kobiety jedynie nieuki, prymitywy i zacofańcy !! Ona jest dumą nowoczesnej Europy i światłych, postępowych Europejczyków.
They criticize her for the normal life of a beautiful young woman. Only ignorant, primitive and backward can do that !! She is the pride of modern Europe and enlightened, progressive Europeans.
Kiedy byłem 17 letnim chłopcem słuchałem Tadeusza Nalepy i Breakout (wcześniej Blackout), kiedy jestem dużym i starym dość chłopcem dalej słucham.
A tu video / nagranie w którym ten mały wtedy, a duży dziś ‘chłopaczek’ gra mistrzowsko na gitarze w godnym zastępstwie ojca.
… i jeszcze cały koncert:
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