ENG - 'MELODY DISCO' - Katowice - 1974

... ja - Jan Pawul - Ślązak narodowości polskiej !!

the first real disco in Katowice, 
Silesia region, south of Poland

'Melody' disco console

In the winter of 1973 to 1974 I played in Wisla / Vistula city in the mountains – a few nights in the cafe 'center' and the fire station hall. This fire station was a large room, but terribly dusty. On the floor lay a few millimeters of dust. So the audience - rather haphazard, cheap turist motley. After these events have been me just terribly dusty singles, which have been light gray, almost white in color - dust down grooves in the plate. It was the worst phenomenon that I remember from my entire 40-year career deejayskiej.

Cafe 'center' it was a different world compare to everyday in communist Poland of early ‘70. Customers were: cinkciarstwo (illegal money exchange for profit), expensive whores, rich vegetable traders, private businesses, foreign tourists, and as always and everywhere present undercover / SB political secret Police agents. The restaurant was small, low, and I remember that it was very crowded and hot, a lot of sweat in the air mixed with exquisite perfume sexy ladies dancing and sweating less exquisite scents and horny (the previously mentioned ladies and expensive whores) men.

Event organizer was Andrew Boguslawski from Katowice - after studying piano musician and owner of a special communist administration permit - issued to him for a big bribe (as he drunk - confessed to me in very secret) to organize clubs - issued by the then so-called max corrupt Department of Culture - the City of Katowice. One day person named Czeslaw Gazda found me there in the city Vistula cafe 'center'. He was well earned dough and stuffed with WIA manager (Regional Agency for Artistic Events in Katowice) - former manager know and love when bands ‘Blue & Black’ and ‘ABC’.

'Melody' disco - Katowice

Gazda talked me into opening and spin disco 'melody' in Katowice, the main street of name – ‘3rd of May’, on the premises of a converted pre-war cinema into resteurant and pub after the war. 'Melody' was at that time totally collapsing dancing-dive for local crap alcoholics.

The beginning of my play in the 'Melody' - the early spring of 1974 were tragically-funny. Well, come to my clubs (like the momentum) people out there who are always / already visited the village-wedding crap dancing. I was playing for them and a terrible shock torture. They could not come to terms with the fact that in a very short period of time it will cease to be their premises. They went to me, protested, they threatened, they tried to hit me, and sitting (in this context, and for the occasion) near my console permanently big bouncer / bodyguard - average hourly tripping of a dancing-crap who harrassed deejay out the door - the street.

After a month of playing everyday, such burdensome "stylistic reform" 'melody' began to visit the youth. They understood perfectly what's going on in this new form of entertainment that the early '70s was a disco. I owned a lot of great Soul and R & B singles in the U.S., which were not uncommon, and they did a great impression on my disco socialites. I remember the singles - indeed hold some today as a special souvenir:

Kool & Gang - jungle boogie
War - cisco kid
Stories - Brother louie ...

Even if we played hard blues-rock hits such artists as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Grand Funk Railroad, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Sugraloaf, Joe Cocker, Santana, Cream, Iron Butterfly, Pink Floyd, Vanilla Fudge, etc. - alternating with pop hits: Suzi Quarto, Slade, T. Rex, Creadence Clearwater Revival, Doobie Brothers, Gilbert O'Sulivan, Leo Sayer, Mungo Jerry, Paper Lace, Smokie, Sweet, Steppenwolf, Ram Jam, etc.

I did it so cool (for its time) show a number, something that others do not deejay because either they could not or were lazy, or whatever else. But first things first ... new in the early '70s disco - flashing next to the music were also colored lights strobe lights and UV (ultraviolet), which in the darkness gave great results. UV highlight everything white and appeared to be human skin tight tanned and attractive - while the strobe lights caused the dance moves visible as if two or three times faster than they actually were. Strobe (as we used to say in a nutshell) was then max effect of whom dreamed of all clubs.

I had this 7-inch single with the well-known British label RAK, which sent me a great guy at my profession, English deejay Tony Hadland, namely the recording - 'Dance with the Devil' - made by the eminent, English drummer Cozy Powell. I danced to the music behind the console of this single by 3 and a half minutes in complete darkness, only the UV lamp and stroboscope. My music and the dance movements, consisting mainly fast hands moves and undressing of a special jacket with white big dots and T-shirt with white lettering did (I know this beyond a reasonable doubt - because a lot of people told me that) unearthly socialites impression on my clubs - mainly sticks :-)))) In those days, it was great - SOMETHING ... I was a star for them and God ... somehow stormed to another world ...

In the spring of 1974, playing in the 'Melody' was becoming more and more pleasure. Village-dance clubs audience of the previous era has gone to hell, and the new audience love their deejay and disco :-))))) I watched love to dance, how they play, what they are happy as they seemed to forget about the gray and hideous dun commie-communist world outside. With such prospects before your eyes and music in ears - so I think I was the happiest deejay in the world ... I even had a group of fans, including some beautiful chicks with whom I did not neglect to make friends, and even a lot more than just "friends" :-))))

my 7" records of '70

One of them was so beautiful, sexy and so amazing to look at the well-known dance hits of black artists from the U.S., even planning - how to “shoot” it myself here forever, like a wife ... I was firmly convinced that no longer prettier Doll is in this world and that you can wear with her folks, sire of four or seven kids and stuff dreams. Could not. Sara (that's her name) but then my girlfriend and partner was also taken striptease girl from Katowice, working in Poland and a large (for that time) the money.

Not immediately realized that Sara is striptease girl - but only after a month of our total "close" friends. She told me that one morning after a “hard sex night” in her small apartment rented in the Katowice district - Koszutka.

All in all, even me happy in a specific way, had put the pride that my doll is so beautiful that it is seen as a thick money by others. One of the 10-15 minute show, which undressed for the full cost as much nud



dawna 'Melodia' - pierwsza dyskoteka na Śląsku dzisiaj - rok 2024
the former 'Melodia' - the first disco in Silesia today - 2024

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+ pierwsi polscy deejaye disco

Napisałem pierwszą i póki co jedyną w Polsce, niezwykle unikalną oraz bardzo, ALE TO BARDZO OBSZERNĄ (!!) książkę o historii polskich dyskotek i deejayów – opartą na moich przeżyciach oraz doświadczeniach jak również wywiadach z innymi pionierami dyskotek i zawodu deejaya w Polsce + zdobytych przez lata materiałach.

Książka opisuje fakty i zdarzenia w okresie od 1970 roku - czyli roku pojawienia się pierwszych dyskotek i deejayów w formie dość zmasowanej.

Tak wielka objętościowo książka jest dostępna (Z KONIECZNOŚCI) tylko w postaci elektronicznej - do odczytania na ekranie komputera, itp. (treść / text pliki PDF + fotografie pliki jpg.) Treść stanowi ponad kilkaset stron tekstu, a ilustracje to setki fotografii polskich i zagranicznych.

Gdyby taką książkę wydrukować to musiałaby zawierać z 1.500-2.000 lub więcej stron formatu A4 :-)))))))) – a jej cena byłaby absurdalna ...

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 Książka zawiera między innymi:

* treść opisującą moje przeżycia jako deejaya - przez ponad 40 lat – począwszy od 1970 roku (178 stron tekstu)

* wywiady z innymi deejayami pionierami zawodu z lat ’70 i ‘80 (ponad 20 wywiadów! - ponad 170 stron tekstu)

* ogromną ilość historycznych fotografii

* skany komunistycznych dokumentów takich jak:

- słynny i ukrywany przez kilkadziesiąt lat „Raport o Stanie dyskotek dla władz PRL” napisany przez  Franciszka Walickiego

- przeróżne dokumenty komunistycznej organizacji o nazwie ‘Krajowa Rada Prezenterów Dyskotek’ – KRPD) narzuconej polskim deejayom przez karierowiczów z naszego, ówczesnego środowiska oraz władze PRL celem nadzoru / kontroli oraz politycznego ukierunkowania = prześladowania nieposłusznych deejayów

 - liczne materiały o słynnych i niespotykanych nigdzie na świecie komunistycznych ‘weryfikacjach’ polskich deejayów

- moje liczne, edukujące artykuły na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów oraz artystach i innych zjawiskach związanych z dyskotekami i przemysłem muzycznym

 - liczne skany przeróżnych artykułów prasowych (polskich i zagranicznych) z lat ’70 i ’80 powiązanych z tematem dyskotek i deejayów


Pomimo, że jest to tak obszerny materiał / książka - to i tak w moim archiwum znajduje się ze 100-razy więcej materiałów na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów, głównie tej światowej (po angielsku) bo historia polska to maleńki procencik tego co działo się na świecie :-)))))) - a co pojawi się niebawem w innej mojej książce w języku angielskim ...

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