First National Tournament of Disco Presenters (deejays)


I remember a great impression in 1973, I had on the nespaper advert as Roman Waschko “music is not serious” - announcement of the First National Tournament Presenters (Deejays) Discos. I never thought that in Poland, a country deeply backward and then locked to the commies can do something like that. But ...

I was living in Upper Silesia (after moving from the Sudetenland situated at the foot of the picturesque Dzierżoniów) and worked in the coal mine, which guaranteed avoid conscription. All intelligent young Poles then tried to avoid going to the army and did so for various more or less effective ways.

It is in the Upper Silesia I had guys from the clubs and deejaying: Kazik Jarzabek, Andrzej Matuszek and from Siemianowice Slaskie, Chris Sochowski of Katowice Załęże or Jurek Kinda rich kid from Katowice and then a very elite city disctrict for VIP communists - Brynów.

In my beloved Dzierżoniów or Bielawa where I started my deejay career there were not any deejays or people who would be interested in this. But this, however, there were Bielawa Dzierżoniów and my roots, friends and knowledge - my entire childhood and youth, and therefore there took off for the elimination tournament for the presenters. First, my club, “mother” or Cultural establishments, “Bielawa” from Bielawa, and my mentor and sponsor, Mr. Andrew Janiszewski set me a certificate stating that from April 1970 I was a presenter and play with them, discos and music lectures based on the presentation boards. With this certificate rushed to my home Dzierzoniow - to the District House of Culture to confirm this and send to the Regional Cultural Centre in Wroclaw. The latter institution has organized regional qualifiers, only after the National Tournament.

The chief Dzierżoniów District House of Culture was one Czocher - sot and were Sbek (secret Police) and fierce commie - creature which everything and everyone disturbed. He did not want me to sign and send a notification to the province. He saw it all as a betrayal of communist ideals and decided to lock the case! But I had in that District House of Culture cool and honest guy, who decided to help me and crept (risking huge, considering who was in Czocher s) to his boss seal - while this was (as usual) stoned. Forged his signature and the corporate envelope we sent a notification to Wroclaw. We were assured that commie Czocher never dull it does not fall. After some time, came the invitation to the elimination of the province, the region of Wroclaw, which were to be held in the Municipal House of Culture in Jelenia Góra.

He was very cold in March 1973 when I rode with my heart pounding in these eliminations. Guys from Upper Silesia (Matuszek & Jarząbek) prepared me a tape of music that I present / play in Jelenia Gora. Train with Rudy Silesian where I lived was going to Jelenia Gora 7 hours. I boarded this train at the station Ruda Slaska - Chebzie at 4:00 in the morning. The train was cold, empty and uncomfortable. But I enjoyed views of the window. Southern mountains, small and picturesque village and its railway ignition. Although fascinated by life in Upper Silesia, however, missed Dzierzoniow, where I spent the whole of your life - a life which, despite many bad moments I really enjoyed it.

Finally, just after the afternoon arrived in Jelenia Gora. For the 17.00 he was appointed to the eliminations I had a lot of time, but in those years in cities such as Jelenia Gora, there was nothing to do. Walking the streets watching the shop windows where there was almost nothing. I looked also to the local milk / food bar for a cheap but hearty meal. Finally I decided to find the Municipal Cultural Centre. It turned out that a few minutes walk from the market on the outskirts of the city in a palace seized from the owner after the war. The House of Culture was already a nice crowd of guests or presenters / deejays with their partners, journalists, activists, spies from the SB. Presenters / deejays and some who just wanted them to be played all sorts of music and made the bizarre presentation. He was the guy who played operatic arias and talking about them (rather read the cards) after about 15 minutes for each. He was also the guy who played the Soviet military marches, and the second such that it only played the hits of the Beatles ..

Nobody back then so to the end he did not know what it takes to be the disco and the presenter / deejay. More or less imitated radio programs and radio discjockeyów because it was the only thing we associate with playing music from tapes. After midnight, ended qualifying and qualifying committee set to work. Around 1.00 in the smoky room the night of greasy gentleman came out and stammering and przejęzyczając (instead Pawul Pawel said, Bitelasów instead Bitlesów, etc.) began to publish the results - the names of the winners of elimination. Among mentioned surnames fell also my. The Commission strongly indicated that guy from the Beatles and the se



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+ pierwsi polscy deejaye disco

Napisałem pierwszą i póki co jedyną w Polsce, niezwykle unikalną oraz bardzo, ALE TO BARDZO OBSZERNĄ (!!) książkę o historii polskich dyskotek i deejayów – opartą na moich przeżyciach oraz doświadczeniach jak również wywiadach z innymi pionierami dyskotek i zawodu deejaya w Polsce + zdobytych przez lata materiałach.

Książka opisuje fakty i zdarzenia w okresie od 1970 roku - czyli roku pojawienia się pierwszych dyskotek i deejayów w formie dość zmasowanej.

Tak wielka objętościowo książka jest dostępna (Z KONIECZNOŚCI) tylko w postaci elektronicznej - do odczytania na ekranie komputera, itp. (treść / text pliki PDF + fotografie pliki jpg.) Treść stanowi ponad kilkaset stron tekstu, a ilustracje to setki fotografii polskich i zagranicznych.

Gdyby taką książkę wydrukować to musiałaby zawierać z 1.500-2.000 lub więcej stron formatu A4 :-)))))))) – a jej cena byłaby absurdalna ...

Książkę można kupić u mnie / moim sklepie e-Bay płacąc na rzecz autora:

- you can buy this UNIQUE eBook on eBay :-) -------------------------->>

Po otrzymaniu zapłaty przesyłam DVD+R z zawartą na nim książką (ponad 1GB tekst i foto) na wskazany adres.

 Książka zawiera między innymi:

* treść opisującą moje przeżycia jako deejaya - przez ponad 40 lat – począwszy od 1970 roku (178 stron tekstu)

* wywiady z innymi deejayami pionierami zawodu z lat ’70 i ‘80 (ponad 20 wywiadów! - ponad 170 stron tekstu)

* ogromną ilość historycznych fotografii

* skany komunistycznych dokumentów takich jak:

- słynny i ukrywany przez kilkadziesiąt lat „Raport o Stanie dyskotek dla władz PRL” napisany przez  Franciszka Walickiego

- przeróżne dokumenty komunistycznej organizacji o nazwie ‘Krajowa Rada Prezenterów Dyskotek’ – KRPD) narzuconej polskim deejayom przez karierowiczów z naszego, ówczesnego środowiska oraz władze PRL celem nadzoru / kontroli oraz politycznego ukierunkowania = prześladowania nieposłusznych deejayów

 - liczne materiały o słynnych i niespotykanych nigdzie na świecie komunistycznych ‘weryfikacjach’ polskich deejayów

- moje liczne, edukujące artykuły na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów oraz artystach i innych zjawiskach związanych z dyskotekami i przemysłem muzycznym

 - liczne skany przeróżnych artykułów prasowych (polskich i zagranicznych) z lat ’70 i ’80 powiązanych z tematem dyskotek i deejayów


Pomimo, że jest to tak obszerny materiał / książka - to i tak w moim archiwum znajduje się ze 100-razy więcej materiałów na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów, głównie tej światowej (po angielsku) bo historia polska to maleńki procencik tego co działo się na świecie :-)))))) - a co pojawi się niebawem w innej mojej książce w języku angielskim ...

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