ENG - DISCJOCKEY - trampled dreams

The difference between ignorance and awareness is wisdom
We don't know where we are going unless we know where we've been
Without that knowledge... history is gone with the wind

YAHU 'yahudeej@y' PAWUL

POLISH - DISCO pioneer discjockey
bio and interview for the polish leading deejay 
as same as for the books:
disco encyclopedia
Janek 'YAHUDEEJ@Y' Pawul

Yahu Pawul
(excerpts from the book)

I remember that my first big fascination, something new and unknown to me, was The Beatles movie "A Hard Days Night", which played at my local cinema in 1966. I remember the thrills all down my backbone when I first heard the sounds and music behind the screen. I was only 14 years old and a kind of revolution started in my young mind that evening. I couldn't sleep late into the night - thinking hard how to become someone like those marvelous four, The Beatles. That was a magic time.

Before that movie, I was a normal Polish kid like millions of others in the '60s Poland. I would run to the school, then tear trousers on the trees and fens. On Sunday I would help in the church. I did not realize that there was any Communist system, other country, cultures, people and lifestyle. My existence and life was my home, father, mother, my brother Frank and a lot of friends around - similarly poor kids of workers. I was so happy during my childhood in the neighbourhood public garden, a few nearby streets and places around.


One hour in front of cinema screen and that movie changed all my life. I staredt to collect rock 'n' roll star magazines and newspaper pictures, then created a band together with school friends. If there had been no Beatles, Elvis Presley or Rolling Stones, then probably the world would be completely different than is today. The '60s cultural revolution changed the whole planet - one place more, another less, but definitely changed. It changed one poor Polish kid - me!

Autumn 1968 was cold and rainy. I spent a lot of time then in my small room planning my life. I was 15 and so excited when, late in the night, in deep secrecy under my mother's nose, I listened to the voice of a man on the radio. It was the legendary UK service of Radio Luxembourg 208 and voice of Australian-born Alan Freeman - the first discjockey I ever heard in my life. At the same time, I became fascinated by the deejay profession and pop music. A few weeks later, I started to copy the deejays' way of speaking, introducing music from records.

I just pretended because I was too poor to buy records or turntables or any electronic equipment. I did not realize at that time what I was doing and where it was all leading. It was something not controlled by me, a kind of feeling stronger than me. Life goes on giving new experiences. I had to choose between the normal lifestyle for all young people that time and between something that was total fantasy, unreal at that time in Poland. It was a big problem for me and for my future.

One day I made a life changing decision - I chose to become a discjockey. It was a decision that went against everybody's advice - mother, school, family, friends. I mean no one supported me then.

I started thousands of hours of training my voice, style of speaking, learning about music, artists etc.

One day, I got my first job. I started to work as a deejay at the Culture House and played hard rock band records with my commentary for public / audience. The first one I remember was Led Zeppelin - their second album presented to over 400 young people. I was playing track by track, with my commentary between. The audience was sitting around and listening. No dancing yet. Then followed similar gigs, popularizing the records of: Deep Purple, Budgie, Cream, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Black Sabbath, Ten Years After, Jethro Tull, Grand Funk Railroad, etc.

I say as a joke (but this is really true) that I was a disco deejay at the time when there were no discotheques in Poland yet. When in 1970 I first heard about discotheques, I then started my first disco, called BEATOLAND.

There were a very few 18 - 20-year-old young people who created the Polish discotheque and deejay scene. We were so excited and fascinated by the whole idea of disco and deejays that we did not care about money, etc. We did our job for free almost and were happy we could do it at all. Our main problem was how to get proper records produced outside of Poland and it was very hard to access any new music. We did not care about the law, regulations, customs etc. We just wanted to pursue our passion in real life. It created huge troubles for us then. But thanks to our determination, discotheques became reality on Polish territory in 1970.

At first, I played and mixed with deejay comments music which was popular at that time mostly in Europe: Led Zeppelin, Cream, Deep Purple, Budgie, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Black Sabbath, Ten Years After, Jethro Tull, Grand Funk Railroad etc. The real disco pioneer deejays / old sch



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+ pierwsi polscy deejaye disco

Napisałem pierwszą i póki co jedyną w Polsce, niezwykle unikalną oraz bardzo, ALE TO BARDZO OBSZERNĄ (!!) książkę o historii polskich dyskotek i deejayów – opartą na moich przeżyciach oraz doświadczeniach jak również wywiadach z innymi pionierami dyskotek i zawodu deejaya w Polsce + zdobytych przez lata materiałach.

Książka opisuje fakty i zdarzenia w okresie od 1970 roku - czyli roku pojawienia się pierwszych dyskotek i deejayów w formie dość zmasowanej.

Tak wielka objętościowo książka jest dostępna (Z KONIECZNOŚCI) tylko w postaci elektronicznej - do odczytania na ekranie komputera, itp. (treść / text pliki PDF + fotografie pliki jpg.) Treść stanowi ponad kilkaset stron tekstu, a ilustracje to setki fotografii polskich i zagranicznych.

Gdyby taką książkę wydrukować to musiałaby zawierać z 1.500-2.000 lub więcej stron formatu A4 :-)))))))) – a jej cena byłaby absurdalna ...

Książkę można kupić u mnie / moim sklepie płacąc  na rzecz autora:
The best and biggest ever (among other) Disco & DJ history book
- disco history told by its ’70 creators, 
- over 130 interviews of DJ's, artists, producers, journalists, etc. 

Po otrzymaniu zapłaty przesyłam DVD+R z zawartą na nim książką (ponad 1GB tekst i foto) na wskazany adres.

 Książka zawiera między innymi:

* treść opisującą moje przeżycia jako deejaya - przez ponad 40 lat – począwszy od 1970 roku (178 stron tekstu)

* wywiady z innymi deejayami pionierami zawodu z lat ’70 i ‘80 (ponad 20 wywiadów! - ponad 170 stron tekstu)

* ogromną ilość historycznych fotografii

* skany komunistycznych dokumentów takich jak:

- słynny i ukrywany przez kilkadziesiąt lat „Raport o Stanie dyskotek dla władz PRL” napisany przez  Franciszka Walickiego

- przeróżne dokumenty komunistycznej organizacji o nazwie ‘Krajowa Rada Prezenterów Dyskotek’ – KRPD) narzuconej polskim deejayom przez karierowiczów z naszego, ówczesnego środowiska oraz władze PRL celem nadzoru / kontroli oraz politycznego ukierunkowania = prześladowania nieposłusznych deejayów

 - liczne materiały o słynnych i niespotykanych nigdzie na świecie komunistycznych ‘weryfikacjach’ polskich deejayów

- moje liczne, edukujące artykuły na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów oraz artystach i innych zjawiskach związanych z dyskotekami i przemysłem muzycznym

 - liczne skany przeróżnych artykułów prasowych (polskich i zagranicznych) z lat ’70 i ’80 powiązanych z tematem dyskotek i deejayów


Pomimo, że jest to tak obszerny materiał / książka - to i tak w moim archiwum znajduje się ze 100-razy więcej materiałów na temat historii dyskotek i deejayów, głównie tej światowej (po angielsku) bo historia polska to maleńki procencik tego co działo się na świecie :-)))))) - a co pojawi się niebawem w innej mojej książce w języku angielskim ...

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